MaxMore Spine, an official Skymedical partner, organized another practical training on corpses. The mais subject of the course was “See the Advantages over Microdiscectomy” and took place last November in Essen, Germany.
The participants had the chance to attend several lectures by specialized professionals in the area, such as Dr. Paul Depauw, Dr. Girish Datau, or Dr. Krzysztof Lokas. In these sessions, atendees explored various techniques related to Interlaminar and Transforaminal Endoscopy.
Skymedical had the opportunity to enroll in this course some Portuguese specialists in the field of orthopedics and neurosurgery, stressing, once again, the support for training in the medical field.
Hoogland Spine Products, creator and supplier of Maxmore Spine Systems, develops and manufactures endoscopic instrumentation, enabling healthcare professionals to treat lumbar spine conditions with the maximum safety, precision and effectiveness. Skymedical maintains this partnership since 2020, officially and exclusive, supplying Maxmore Spine equipment for the entire national territory.