Skymedical (its trademark), has defined a strategic objective to develop, implement and maintain a Quality Management System, in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard. In this context, this policy is governed by the following principles:

– To constantly monitor the health sector, making available high quality products and services that meet the expectations of its customers and other stakeholders;

– To develop and implement a risk and opportunity management methodology, based on knowledge of the organisation and its environment, which enables actions to be taken in accordance with the organisation’s strategic objectives;

– To guarantee high levels of satisfaction for its customers and other stakeholders, by systematically meeting the requirements of the product, the service, current regulatory legislation and best practice, from a perspective of continuous improvement and as a way of guaranteeing success in all areas of the business;

– To involve all staff in defining objectives and goals, which enable organisational performance to be measured and assessed, so that the Quality Management System can adapt to future change and evolve within its own context, and remain effective;

– To continually invest in staff training and certification and in a participatory and responsible company culture at all levels, generating motivation to meet the individual and organisational obligations and to continuously improve quality;

– To respect codes of conduct and rules for compliance established for the industry where these exist or, otherwise, its own codes which establish fundamental ethical principles;

– To underpin the relationships with its suppliers, subcontractors and other external entities in partnership, raising their awareness of the importance of their contribution to the company’s performance in Quality Management;

– To systematically assess the outcomes of the implementation of the management system and ensure they meet the established objectives, satisfy customers and other stakeholders, create value for shareholders and guarantee employee motivation.

– The Executive formally makes available the necessary and appropriate means for pursuing the principles issued in this document, the Quality Management System, pursuing Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Improvement, ensuring that these are disseminated and acknowledged at all levels of the organisation.

– The Executive relies on the performance of all employees to meet the objectives arising from this Quality Policy.